Becky A. Shelvin

BECKY A. SHEVLIN - As a Monrovia City Councilmember since 2009, I have been engaged in matters relating to housing and homelessness, including ongoing participation on the SGVCOG Governing Board on which I currently serve as President as well as Chair of its Homelessness Committee; representative to the SCAG CEHD Committee, SGV Regional Housing Trust VP, and most recently, enrollee in the SCAG SGV Housing Policy Academy.
I work closely with the SGVCOG, City Staff and local providers relating to homelessness services and programs, LAHSA related issues and communication, Measure H funding, and was instrumental in the formation of the SGV Regional Housing Trust. In my professional life as a legal assistant, I have worked for nearly 45 years in the area of development of common interest subdivisions management documents...